We welcome overnight stays at Tormore Community Forest entrance.
Please help by following these guidelines :-
- We ask for a donation of £7 per night – either cash in the box or use the Payment form below.
- The Trust is a Charity and plans to develop facilities here – your donation will make that happen.
- No more than 3 vans per night please.
- Please leave the forest gates clear. No vehicle access is permitted.
- There are NO facilities here.
The adjacent sign gives details of refuse bins, water supplies and toilet disposal. The website campa.org/waste-disposal is also be useful. - DO NOT LIGHT any fires or BBQs of any sort.
- Do explore inside the gates on foot and walk your dog. You must collect and remove all dog poop.
- Please leave by 10am. This carpark is also used by local walkers and forest workers.
Enjoy your stay and thank you for your support.