01471 844776 office@sleat.org.uk

Tormore Forest

In September 2005 the Sleat Community Trust Forestry Advisory Group (FAG) was established to consider the viability of bringing Tormore Forest into community ownership using the National Forest Land Scheme.

The FAG consultated with the community through public meetings, a Planning for Real exercise and the newsletter. They met with the Forestry Commission and this led to an agreement to carry out a joint valuation by the local valuation officer. Progress was good.

In March 2009 the Forestry Commission without prior notification advertised in the local press that Tormore Forest was surplus to requirements and was to be sold.

As a community group we were invited to register our interest (which we of course had already done) but which we were compelled to repeat. We then had 58 days from the end of April 2009 to show the National Land Scheme Committee that we were fit to manage the forest. If we could not show this, the forest would be placed on the open market.

With considerable effort we met the deadline. Sleat Community Trust owes the FAG members and the community a big thank you for showing such good support. The initial response showed almost unanimous support for the acquisition of Tormore, which was backed up with an official ballot early in 2010.

A district valuer then valued the forest at ยฃ330,000 and the funding search started in earnest. A business plan was formulated and funding secured from Social Investment Scotland, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, HIghland Council, the Tudor Trust and from many individuals/businesses/organisations far and wide who “sponsored an acre” of Tormore Forest at the bargain price of ยฃ20. Loan facilities from Highland Opportunity, Triodos Bank and Social Investment Scotland made up the short fall of the purchase price and on the 1st of June 2011 the forest was formally purchased. A ceremony to mark the occassion was attended by many local volunteers and dignitaries including the unveiling of a new forest sign by the then Minister for Infrastructure Alex Neil MSP.

The first step taken after purchase was to employ a community forester. Harvesting then commenced through contracted forestry management firm Scottish Woodlands of the very mature lodgepole pine and Sitka spruce plantations closest to the forest entrance. Resupply of woodchip to local college Sabhal Mรฒr Ostaig’s biomass boiler system and log sales to private individuals / businesses was also achieved within our first year of operation.

Deer fencing of the entire forest is now complete through the efforts of a local contractor and the building of a large woodfuel facility is also finished, with funding from Santander, SRDP and Highland Council. Internal roading is also complete, allowing a second phase of harvesting to commence in 2018.

As of 2019, harvesting of the majority of the standing timber is complete, with the exception of two areas. Trial replanting is under way, which will provide vital information to aid us in larger scale replanting over the next few years. In the meantime, Sleat Renewables Ltd continues to manage the forest responsibly, and is covered by the Scottish Woodlands Group Certification Scheme, which demonstrates a commitment to good practice in all areas of the operation, and allows us to sell woodfuel products which are dual-certified through FSC and PEFC.

01471 844776
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Tormore Volunteer Day on Sunday 11 Feb from 10.30am with Sleat Community Trust / Urras Coimhearsnachd Shlรจite
The weather is looking OK for the morning.
The work is mostly around the Polytunnel and Bothy this month.
Some usual weeding and tidying around the Polytunnel
Spreading woodchip from chip shed cleared bank at the Bothy.
Some more ditch digging and brush-cutting at the picnic area.
And always some trees to be planted.
All welcome - all tools provided - stove for hot water, bring a snack/lunch.
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Tormore Volunteer Day on Sunday 11 Feb from 10.30am with Sleat Community Trust  /  Urras Coimhearsnachd Shlรจite
The weather is looking OK for the morning. 
The work is mostly around the Polytunnel and Bothy this month.
Some usual weeding and tidying around the Polytunnel
Spreading woodchip from chip shed cleared bank at the Bothy.
Some more ditch digging and brush-cutting at the picnic area.
And always some trees to be planted.
All welcome - all tools provided - stove for hot water, bring a snack/lunch.

If you have one of our log bags, we would be very grateful if it could be returned to the Trust office.HELP!!!
We are short of Log Bags.
If you still have any from previous deliveries, please could you return it to the Trust Offices at Armadale.
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If you have one of our log bags, we would be very grateful if it could be returned to the Trust office.

On Saturday between 9.30am and 1pm our Voluntourism Group will finish their week by working around the Tormore Fank. We plan to light the bonfire that has been there for 18 months. Come up and join them, bring some cake and celebrate a great week of path clearance, steps, and tree-planting in Tormore. The gate will be open you can drive up. ... See MoreSee Less

On Saturday between 9.30am and 1pm our Voluntourism Group will finish their week by working around the Tormore Fank. We plan to light the bonfire that has been there for 18 months. Come up and join them, bring some cake and celebrate a great week of path clearance, steps, and tree-planting in Tormore. The gate will be open you can drive up.

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We will probably light up around 11am

Monday 23 October - A group of 16 folk from all over the world are coming to work in Tormore Forest this week, clearing paths, building steps, planting trees. Monday afternoon then Tuesday to Saturday mornings.
All for the Community's benefit!
Come along to say hi and thank them. You can also join in. You might also bring cake! If there is no-one around the polytunnel, just ring me to find out where they are working 07835711637.
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Monday 23 October  - A group of 16 folk from all over the world are coming to work in Tormore Forest this week, clearing paths, building steps, planting trees. Monday afternoon then Tuesday to Saturday mornings. 
All for the Communitys benefit!
Come along to say hi and thank them. You can also join in. You might also bring cake! If there is no-one around the polytunnel, just ring me to find out where they are working 07835711637.

There is now a second hive of Bees in the Tormore woods. The photos shows them still deciding if they like their new home but they will soon settle. I wonder how many jars of Tormore honey we might get out of them. ... See MoreSee Less

There is now a second hive of Bees in the Tormore woods. The photos shows them still deciding if they like their new home but they will soon settle. I wonder how many jars of Tormore honey we might get out of them.

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6pm Tuesday - all inside and noisily talking about their new home. they will be out after the heather first thing tomorrow.

Exciting ๐Ÿ๐Ÿฏ

Bees have arrived in Tormore Forest where there is an abundance of heather and other late summer flowers. If they get to work as they should we might have some Tormore Heather Honey for sale in the Shop. They are in an enclosed space and if treated with respect should cause no grief! ... See MoreSee Less

Bees have arrived in Tormore Forest where there is an abundance of heather and other late summer flowers. If they get to work as they should we might have some Tormore Heather Honey for sale in the Shop. They are in an enclosed space and if treated with respect should cause no grief!Image attachment

No Stay & Play tomorrow, 8th August. Hope to see you all at the next one ๐Ÿ™‚๐ŸŒฒ ... See MoreSee Less

๐ŸŒฒ Tormore: Play!๐ŸŒฒ

Another lovely wee morning in the forest. Some mini dens and a big one, a spot of fishing and lots of creations in the mud kitchen. And of course we couldn't manage a session without some great insect and aquatic life finds!

Last session of the holidays is next Tuesday, the 8th, 10-12. Email tormoreforestschool@gmail.com for more info and/or to book (essential).
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๐ŸŒฒ Tormore: Play!๐ŸŒฒ

Another lovely wee morning in the forest. Some mini dens and a big one, a spot of fishing and lots of creations in the mud kitchen. And of course we couldnt manage a session without some great insect and aquatic life finds!

Last session of the holidays is next Tuesday, the 8th, 10-12. Email tormoreforestschool@gmail.com  for more info and/or to book (essential).Image attachmentImage attachment+7Image attachment

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We had a great time! Thank You, Emma! Definitely we'll be back to another session ๐Ÿ˜Š

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