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Polytunnel plastic sheet available for you to cover cloches and small garden frames. Various sizes up to 8ms by 4ms left over from the damaged polytunnel skin. Just walk up to the polytunnel gate and collect from just inside on the right. You can also make a donation in the box at the main Tormore gate. ... See MoreSee Less

Polytunnel plastic sheet available for you to cover cloches and small garden frames. Various sizes up to 8ms by 4ms left over from the damaged polytunnel skin. Just walk up to the polytunnel gate and collect from just inside on the right. You can also make a donation in the box at the main Tormore gate.

Thank you the 14 good folk who undertook a tremenedous amount of work on Sunday morning in Tormore. The polytunnel, damaged in the storm, was cleaned up, toolshed tidied, brambles removed, logs split, bamboos brought in for tree-markers and lots more. Amazing what gets donr in a group. And we rehoused a bat. ... See MoreSee Less

Thank you the 14 good folk who undertook a tremenedous amount of work on Sunday morning in Tormore. The polytunnel, damaged in the storm, was cleaned up, toolshed tidied, brambles removed,  logs split, bamboos brought in for tree-markers and lots more. Amazing what gets donr in a group. And we rehoused a bat.Image attachmentImage attachment

The Office will be closed between the 06/02 until the 24/02 due to Holiday.
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This mailbox will be checked, and emails forwarded if necessary while I am on holiday.
Kind Regards, Myrielle Macleod
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