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Tha a’ cholaiste air cuir air dòigh leis a’ chompanaidh togail is am buidheann taigheadais gum bi an cothrom aig muinntir an t-Sabhail leis a' choimhearsnachd air faicinn timcheall air taighean ùra na Cille Bige mus tèid am fosgladh gu h-oifigeil an ceann beagan làithean. Mar sin, bidh an cothrom sin againn air Diciadain an t-seachdain seo 11 Sultain 2024 eadar 1.00 is 2.00f agus chan eil agaibh ach post-d a thilleadh thugam gu dam.smo@uhi.ac.uk (mar bheachd ro-làimh air an àireamh) agus ur slighe a dhèanamh a-null. Tha sinn cuideachd a’ tuigsinn gum bi bhideo de gach seòrsa taigh a’ tighinn a-mach ann an ùine nach bi fada airson neach sam bith le ùidh nach urrainn a bhith an làthair air feasgar Diciadain.

The college has arranged with the local contractor and housing body for us at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig with the local community to get a preview tour of the new housing at Kilbeg ahead of being officially opened in a few days’ time. This will take place on Wednesday this week 11 September 2024 between 1.00 and 2.00pm, so if you’re interested, please could you drop me an Email back to dam.smo@uhi.ac.uk (as an advance guide to numbers) and make your way over. We also understand that the organisers will soon be making available a video presentation of each type of house for those with an interest not able to attend on Wednesday.
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Two dry days this weekend? - your chance to get outdoors, enjoy some fresh air and catch up with other fine volunteers!

Saturday 7 September between 1.30 pm and 4pm
Community Tree Planting
We have the trees, the tools and the location - we need your enthusiasm.
Wear good footwear and bring everyone, the children, the parents and your neighbours. Tea and coffee in the poly-tunnel - and bring some cake or biscuits to share.

Sunday 8 September between 10.30 am and 1 pm
Volunteer Day ~ This is our usual monthly volunteer day.
There will still be trees to plant, along footpaths needing cut-back; nursery trees to be weeded - whatever takes your fancy.
The Tormore Volunteer Team
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Two dry days this weekend? - your chance to get outdoors, enjoy some fresh air and catch up with other fine volunteers!

Saturday 7 September between 1.30 pm and 4pm
Community Tree Planting
We have the trees, the tools and the location - we need your enthusiasm.
Wear good footwear and bring everyone, the children, the parents and your neighbours. Tea and coffee in the poly-tunnel - and bring some cake or biscuits to share.

Sunday 8 September between 10.30 am and 1 pm
Volunteer Day ~ This is our usual monthly volunteer day.
There will still be trees to plant, along footpaths needing cut-back; nursery trees to be weeded - whatever takes your fancy.
The Tormore Volunteer Team
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